Nilton Cezar Carraro
Carlos Roberto Camelo Lima
Edenis Cesar Oliveira
The study presents a methodology for the analysis of new investments in property, plant and equipment from the use of operational performance objectives as a premise for decision -mak ing. Qualitatively, we used the product of this study — operations performance matrix. The mat rix was then applied through a survey of a sample of footwear companies in the region of Jaú, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The correlations between the scores obtained for each operational performance objective were tested. The analysis of the regression co efficients associated to each independent variable (quality, reliability, speed and flexibility) allowed to conclude that all the questions had a positive impact on the dependent variable (costs), indicating a positive correlation. This survey demonstrated the utility of the proposed methodology when using as a premise for decision the performance objectives of operations that demonstrated that the dependent variable is the consequence and not the cause as treated in the conventional investment analysis tha t uses the cash flow logic and value present as a decision factor. However, the methodology presented as a complementary form is the analysis of investments of this nature in relation to techniques widely used by the mark et that adopt the financial results projected as critical success factors.
Ler mais...Capital Expenditures, Operations Strategy, MODE, Competitive Positioning, Decision Making.
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