Fernanda Ferreira de Araujo
Ana Izabella Freire
Maria Eduarda Silva Guimarães
Paula Cristina Carvalho Lima
Fernando Luiz Finger
Renata Ranielly Pedroza Cruz
Ariana Mota Pereira
Filipe Bittencourt Machado de Souza
Nicolas Oliveira de Araújo
Carlos Cicinato Vieira Melo

Exposure to ethylene is one of the main factors compromising the quality and shelf life in the post-production phase of potted ornamental plants and flowers in general. In preliminary tests to determine the desirable characteristics of a potted ornamental pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), the accession BGH 1039, from the Vegetable Germplasm Bank of the Federal University of Viçosa, was highlighted. However, this accession was sensitive to ethylene. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the influence of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) in extending the longevity of potted ornamental pepper. Potted peppers were placed in separate 60-L sealed chambers for the control, 1-MCP and ethylene treatments. To evaluate the quality and post-production shelf life, plants of all treatments were kept at 25 ± 1 °C under white fluorescent light with an intensity of 8-10 μmol s-1 m-2 and 60- 65% relative humidity and watered whenever necessary. In plants treated with 10 μL L-1 of ethylene for 48 h, there was a reduction in the content of chlorophyll a and in total chlorophyll. Pre-treatment with 1 µL L-1 of 1-MCP followed by the application of 10 µL L-1 of ethylene for 48 h was effective in maintaining the green coloration of the leaves and in reducing leaf and fruit abscission over the 18 days of shelf life, demonstrating the efficiency of this product in blocking the action of ethylene. 1-MCP improved the quality and commercial durability of potted BGH 1039 ornamental pepper.
Ler mais...Capsicum annuum L.; chlorophyll; ethylene; leaf abscission; 1-MCP.
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