Eliana Auxiliadora Magalhães Costa
William Mendes Lobão
Camila Lapa Matos Riba
Nathália Muraiviechi Passos

Objective: to analyze the implementation of the national patient safety policy. Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive and evaluative study of multiple cases in large hospitals. Please be informed that the data collection consisted of an interview with the professional responsible for the Patient Safety Centers using a semi-structured form. Data were analyzed using simple statistics. Results: it is detailed that, of the 20 eligible hospitals, 12 (60%) participated in the study; all hospitals (100%) have centers, (91.7%) have a Patient Safety Plan and (50%) have a professional with exclusive dedication. All mandatory protocols were implemented in more than half of the centers (58.3%), with patient identification (83.3%) and hand hygiene (83.3%) being the most frequent. It is revealed that the percentages of adverse events reported were: pressure injury (88.9%); bed falls (77.8%) and medication errors (75%). Conclusion: it is concluded that the centers studied do not fully comply with the regulatory policies in force in the country, therefore deserving adjustments and effective sanitary control.
Ler mais...Patient Safety, Hospital Legislation, Patient Harm, Latrogenic Disease, Public Policy, Delivery of Health Care.
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